Thursday, July 10, 2008

HOw do I love thee Let me count the ways

so i hung out wiht Emily-Haines* today... we went to williams park and took pics and had brand time and 'met' some boys and by meet i mean walked past but if you ask Emily-Haines* it is met :P ... haha just pulling your leg girl.. we had fun and that tension i was talking about completky non existant... i love her

then we met up with Flipper* and Shirley-Temple* and we went to cresent beach and took more pictures.. then we came back to my place to cook marshmellows on the fire and yea it was a really good day

i love my friends to bits you guys are the best i had an awesome day today just to let everyone know in case you care lol and yea... i lik espending time being girls and yea it the time s when you're doing nothing but just chilling that really mean the most.. its not the big exciting costly excursions that make friendships its the time you spend just lying back enjoying life together.. when you step back from the hustle and bustle and just tak etime to smell the roses or in this case the ocean and when you do it together thats what really matters... life isnt about the big bangs its about the mini noises in between its about sitting by the fire girl talking not going to Castle fun park to spen countless dollars on ones days worth of fun which dont get me wrong is totally fun to do but in the long run you wont remeber that as 'the good times' it'll be the collective of days like today and nights like tonight that you will remeber... i love you girls... all of you hearts on kisses fill my thoughts for you

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